Discover U Institute

Plan a Discover U Institute for Your Community:

1. Print a Planning Form.

2. Identify community leaders. Someone at your local library and/or Chamber of Commerce may be able to help with this, and might be a good candidate for being on a planning team.

3. Find contact information for community leaders.

4. Print a calendar for the year at Choose a meeting date, time and place. Print a Schedule and fill it out. Example Schedule.

5. Contact community leaders. Include an Invitation Letter, Proposed Schedule, and Discover U Weekly Activities Handout.

6. Highlight positive responses on the Planning Form. Move on to Plan B possibilities if a negative response is received. When all 12 slots are filled, send out a finalized schedule to all participants.

7. Print out Marketing Checklist, Signs and Bookmarks.

8. Promote to: newspaper, radio, time and temp, schools.


Before each meeting:

Add star to area on Certificate for those who completed weekly activities.

Introduce speaker

Conclude with Evaluation Form, stamp Certificates.

Prepare next meetings handouts.

Next to last meeting, get count of tshirts to order.

Final meeting, award tshirts to those who completed all 12 meetings.


RESOURCES: Song List | Movie List | Motivational Posters